Feelings of Love
Feelings of Love, Oil Painting 36x36"
Print, Image size, 14x14" $65.00 professionally printed on 16 x 20 paper
My love and I had gone to Pescadero beach one beautiful and sunny day. We had finally found some time to be together. As we stood gazing up through the branches of the lone Cypress Tree, he turned and looked at me and said, "I love you," I caught my breath and said, "I love you too." Unfortunately time has a way of casting lovers adrift and sending them apart and that's what happened with us.
This painting was created to commemorate the feelings we had that day. The red ribbon originates in the Universe and stays briefly on the material plain, which the tree represents. The ribbon turns and spins in the wind, circling the tree, capturing the ups and downs of a love affair. When the ribbon ultimately reaches the ground, it runs off toward the next horizon, as lovers sometimes do.
When women view this painting they invariably express they feel it is about love, however, when a male politician viewed it, he abruptly stated, "Red Tape."
Another Venus vs. Mars scenario.
Print, Image size, 14x14" $65.00 professionally printed on 16 x 20 paper
My love and I had gone to Pescadero beach one beautiful and sunny day. We had finally found some time to be together. As we stood gazing up through the branches of the lone Cypress Tree, he turned and looked at me and said, "I love you," I caught my breath and said, "I love you too." Unfortunately time has a way of casting lovers adrift and sending them apart and that's what happened with us.
This painting was created to commemorate the feelings we had that day. The red ribbon originates in the Universe and stays briefly on the material plain, which the tree represents. The ribbon turns and spins in the wind, circling the tree, capturing the ups and downs of a love affair. When the ribbon ultimately reaches the ground, it runs off toward the next horizon, as lovers sometimes do.
When women view this painting they invariably express they feel it is about love, however, when a male politician viewed it, he abruptly stated, "Red Tape."
Another Venus vs. Mars scenario.