Serenity in the midst of chaos
36x40 Oil Painting on museum canvas with 2" side. Painting covers the top of canvas and extends to the sides.
I photographed this scene while touring the 17 mile drive in Monterey. I ultimately painted the scene in my studio, enjoying revisiting the memory.
I was painting the scene during the tumultuous political times prior to the mid-term elections of 2018, so the bird represented serenity, despite the chaotic ocean scene it was calmly surveying.
I photographed this scene while touring the 17 mile drive in Monterey. I ultimately painted the scene in my studio, enjoying revisiting the memory.
I was painting the scene during the tumultuous political times prior to the mid-term elections of 2018, so the bird represented serenity, despite the chaotic ocean scene it was calmly surveying.